

The Gramsci Trilogy is a series of projects that I have dedicated to Antonio Gramsci, one of the most extraordinary thinkers of the 20th Century.

Gramsci is one of the most lucid and illuminating intellectuals of our dark times. His radical political thinking, coupled with his formidable cultural analysis, are, in my view, more necessary than ever today to confront the new fascism threatening our 21st century. These five projects are also a modest homage to Pier Paolo Pasolini, an incomparable artist and intellectual that I admire to the highest degree and whose cultural production is a true model of resistance. Pasolini’s films, poems, and critical writings offer us a clear and compelling practical articulation of Gramsci’s radical concepts. In the face of such brilliance, I can only quote Giuseppe Ungaretti, one of my favorite poets: "m’illumino d’immenso."